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Aside from making games I also enjoy building and painting miniatures.  The following are photos of works-in-progress and finished models I feel well chuffed with...




GamesWorkshop has just returned to an old favourite this month, Adeptus Titanicus, and their 8mm version of the 28mm large Imperial Knight caught my eye.  I'm currently assembling a squad of three of these chaps and wanted to see how they scale up in size compared to GW's Space Marine( "Epic 40K" ) 6mm squad bases.  The blu-tack is a scale stand-in for the five marines that populated one of these bases. I've yet to paint this chap and his mates, that will hopefully be a photo for the very-near future.




Back in 1990 my parents kindly bought me a game called Space Crusade, a Sci-fi follow up to the hugely successful HeroQuest.  I miss that game so much I decided to revisit it by recreating it from scratch.  For those interested this revisit adds some Heroquest-y stuff and solo play.


AT Knight Banner.jpg

While the bases are yet to be done, this is the initial "Knight Banner" for Adeptus Titanicus.  The three gentlemen at the front are "Questoris" and their paint job is not so good, but the two at the back are "Cerastus" and I spent more time with them and they turned out alright.





Another "Titanicus" fellow called a Warhound.  Hes paired with another 'hound and together they are far from finished but this one is is just about ready for his instruments of destruction...  ^_^ 





Phew!  Not finished but at least ready for a family  photo!  The big chap at the back is a "Reaver Titan" and he is the icing on the cake for this group of giant, city detroying robots.  Well chuffed with them!


With so many left over pieces from the Warhound kit, I've been beavering away at a scratch-built frame for a third hound.  Plasticard is your friend...


Still mucking around with the Warhound!  Wanted him to be a unique character who's speciality is eliminating larger foes with his very handy mega-bunson-burners.  Took some left over pieces from the Reaver Titan I had lying around.  Waste not, want not!



A little side project, this board is foamcard / card copy of the game board featured in White Dwarf's "Duels of the Crystal Labyrinth". The issue only came with only one half of the complete board - on the back - with the intention that the second player provide their own copy( and the dice, miniatures etc. ).  Its at this point I wouldn't mind having a laser engraver!




This little-big chap is another Knight but I've used some guns from another kit ( the "Acastus" knight ) and converted them into a carapace weapon, giving him another attack in the game( Adeptus Titanicus ).  And yes, that is a copy of Visual C++ 2003 behind him!  ^_^

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